Hedera Hashgraph in Enabling Learning to be a Lifestyle

learning as lifestyle in the philippines

Technology in Bridging the Real-World and Education

            Education has always been introduced as preparation for the real world as if children and students are living a fake one or at least a different one. With this, comes a subsequent effect of education, career, and life mismatch, limited number of competent teachers, or decline in the quality of education for many. Technology, through its software and hardware innovations, has provided tools and platforms that enable the real-world and the process of learning to co-exist, allowing students to learn inside the real world. This is because the previous limitations in logistics, where disseminating information is either extremely expensive or closed within the walls of the classroom, can now be addressed through technological solutions, for instance in video-sharing platforms, social networking sites, personal and professional blogs, and online courses which are relevant both for students and for professionals working in the field, not to mention accessible with minimal cost. 

E-learning as an Equalizer of Opportunities

            Technology complements and maximizes the impact of human capacity, it brings the existing human innovations to a more effective and efficient level. Nevertheless, it is not the solution to all the problems that education is currently facing. However, it is what provides an opportunity to facilitate e-learning where students, regardless of background, as long as they have the intent and curiosity to learn, may have access to a pool of resources of great quality involving different spheres of expertise and modes of teaching. In the same way, e-learning allows passionate and intelligent educators to create and distribute their content and valuable insights to a wide audience, without the need to spend too much. Technology provides more learning and teaching opportunities for students and teachers whose main problem concerns resources. 

            Although technology does not solve all the problems in education, it is what allows learning to take place for different types of learners, especially those who do not belong to the spectrum as established by standardization of traditional education, including the poor, the curious, and the special—a chance to learn that used to be only for the rich. Thus, creating an opportunity for a prosperous future for all types of individuals and a functioning economy with quality products and services, in the long run.

Hedera Hashgraph in Ensuring Quality Learning

            With increased accessibility that does not discriminate, it applies for all types of information. This includes increased vulnerability to the spread of false information and misleading instructions and may endanger the quality of information taught to the next generation. This harm, however, does not arise because of the solutions that technology provides but can be attributed to how these solutions are being used. 

            Hedera Hashgraph can serve as the protector and facilitator of the truth to ensure quality learning. Through its ability to record an accurate and irreversible account of transparency, it records the who, what, and when of an information and of a previous information, and is managed through a consensus algorithm among accounts of information. With this, all information can be attributed to a specific author, identified by a community of educators and learners who have a consensus on the data, thus correctly identifying perpetrators of fake information which can take away their credibility as facilitators of learning. This will allow educators to not be afraid of being merely tagged for false information because only the data is the basis of the truth and will assure learners that only reliable information is taught in the virtual sphere.

            Through Hedera Hashgraph, both accessibility and credibility are protected which are keys to ensuring that quality learning is taking place anywhere perpetually therefore, allowing learning to be a lifestyle.

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